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Northeast Library Events
September 1, 2021 @ 8:00 am - September 30, 2021 @ 5:00 pm
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Northeast Library, 2200 Central Ave. N.E., 612-543-6775 / Online events at www.hclib.org/northeast
HelpNow: Free online tutoring for all ages. Get help from a tutor in English or Spanish. Online every day from 1 to 11 pm. Available on computers in the library or at home with your Hennepin County Library card. Visit https://apps2.hclib.org/auth/BrainFuse. Ask Us Reference services are available by phone, email, or chat. Call 612-543-KNOW (5669) or visit https://www.hclib.org/contact/
Social Media and Genealogy: Use social media to discover family, research techniques and connect with other genealogists. Hosted by Southdale Library. Online event. Registration required. Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1-2:30 pm & Saturday, Sept. 11, 10-11:30 am.
Elysian Nights Book Club: Memorial: If you enjoy reading and hearing what other people have to say about books and pop culture in a very welcoming and fun space, join this club. Hosted by Kyle and Joyce from Arvonne Fraser Library, this book club will meet the second Thursday of every month. Online event. Registration required. Thursday, Sept. 9, 7-8:30 pm.
Great Decisions: Roles of International Organizations in a Global Pandemic: The president of the Minnesota International NGO Network Nicholas Hayen will speak on the roles that international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), have played in the COVID-19 pandemic. How should they respond in the future? Sponsors: Friends of the Edina Library, Edina Senior Center, Minneapolis Community Education, Plymouth and Washburn libraries. Online event. Registration required. Monday, Sept. 13, 4-5:30 pm.
East Lake Quick Reads Book Club: Join a discussion of new and interesting under 250-page titles. Participants can request a copy of the book or access the title through eBook collections. Online event. Registration required. Monday, Sept. 13, 6:30-7:30 pm.
Book Club: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle: Join a discussion of new and interesting titles. Hosted by Becky from Minneapolis Central Library. Online event. Registration required. Monday, Sept. 13 at 7-8 pm.
Theater Workshop: zAmJam! zAmya Theater invites you to zAmJam! AmJam is a chill creative space that is open to all who are ready to play. People who’ve experienced housing instability are especially encouraged to attend. Participants will play games, learn skills and generate content for zAmya’s fall season of Homeless Network NewZ. Funding provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council and Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Online event. Tuesdays, Sept. 14, 21, 28 & Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, 2:30-4 pm.
Criminal Expungement Clinic: Expungement is the process of going to court to ask a judge to seal a court record. People request an expungement when they have been denied a job, housing or a professional license because of a criminal incident that shows up on a background check. Attend a virtual informational session via Microsoft Teams to learn more about the expungement process and have general questions answered by attorneys. Funded by Friends of the Hennepin County Library in collaboration with Central Minnesota Legal Services. Online event. Registration required. Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1:30-2:30 pm.
emPowerU: Onboarding for Success: You aced your job interview, then negotiated the offer, and now you’re ready to start your new job. This session provides tips, tools, and techniques to help you set yourself up for success in your new job. Learn the nitty gritty details of planning out your day and cover how to best connect and build trust with your new supervisor, colleagues and clients both in-person and remotely. Online event. Registration required. Saturday, Sept. 18, 11 am-12:30 pm.
Sci-fi/Fantasy Book Club: Discuss new and interesting sci-fi and fantasy titles. Bring along your recommendations for future meetings. Hosted by St. Anthony Library. Sponsor: Friends of the St. Anthony Library. Online event. Registration required. Saturday, Sept. 18, 12:30-1:30 pm.
Social Psychology Book Club: Discuss new and interesting books about social psychology. Participants can request a copy of the book to pick up through Grab-and-Go locations or access the title through eBook collections. Online event. Registration required. Monday, Sept. 20, 6:30-7:30 pm.
Club Book with Qian Julie Wang: Qian Julie Wang is an Ivy League-trained litigator and managing partner of New York City’s prestigious Gottlieb & Wang LLP – a law firm specializing in advocacy for immigrants and people of color. As an undocumented child of struggling Chinese émigrés, Wang had ample reasons to believe her future would not be so bright. During her formative years, the family’s “illegal” status took a toll on everything: their housing stability, her parents’ marriage and health, as well as Wang’s own self-worth and identity. These childhood trials and traumas form the basis of Wang’s anticipated debut, “Beautiful Country” – a heartrending memoir drafted almost entirely on her iPhone while she commuted to and from her Brooklyn law office. Live online event. Monday, Sept. 20 7-8 pm.
Vegan Recipe Club: If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make recipes from popular cookbooks prior to meeting, then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Hosted by East Lake Library in partnership with Compassionate Action for Animals. Online event. Tuesday, Sept. 21, 6:30-7:30 pm.