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December 2024
Coffee (outside) somewhere in Northeast
A weekly meetup hosted by Recovery Bike Shop (no bike required). Sundays 10 am. The location varies and is announced on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/recoverybikeshop/) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RecoveryBikeShop) the day before the get-togethers. This is a great way to discover all the little nooks and crannies around Northeast Minneapolis. Treats from local businesses provided, but bring your own coffee.
Find out more »January 2025
January 2-PAC meeting: Trespassers in commercial areas
The 2nd Precinct Advisory Council (2-PAC) will meet Jan. 13, 2025, 6:30 p.m., in person at Monroe Village, 1900 Central Ave. NE, or via Zoom. January’s topic: trespassers in commercial areas.
Find out more »Minnesota Artists Guild Launch Party
More than 150 artists, musicians, writers and industry leaders are expected to attend the Minnesota Artists Guild Launch Party at Studio Pintura, 1500 Jackson St. NE, #294, Thursday, Jan. 30, 6-9 pm. The event is free with an RSVP and will include live music, arts trivia, hors d’oeuvres and wine bar, limited edition art and merchandise as well as a ribbon cutting ceremony signaling the opening of memberships. Those who become founding members that evening will receive the honorary lifetime title and…
Find out more »February 2025
Logan Park Industrial Open House
Review the concept layouts for Tyler, Jackson and Van Buren Streets, and 12th, 13th and 14th Avenues Wednesday, Feb. 19, 4:30-6:30 pm at Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. These six streets in the project area will move towards concept layout approval by the Minneapolis City Council this spring as originally planned. Planners have gone back to the drawing board for Quincy Street, following neighborhood pushback. Learn more at https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/logan-park-industrial.
Find out more »Northeast Business Connections
This series provides the business community an opportunity to connect with local city leaders, Northeast Chamber leadership and local businesses to have meaningful conversations, make new connections and stay informed about issues facing their local community. These gatherings are open to the public and free to attend. Tuesday, Feb. 25, May 27, Aug. 26, and Nov. 25. 8-9:30 am. Eastside Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd St. Free, registration not required. Agenda: 8-8:30 am — Networking; 8:30-9:30 am — Program and…
Find out more »Traffic camera open houses
The City of Minneapolis would like your feedback on potential traffic camera locations. Give them your thoughts in person Tuesday, Feb. 25, 4-6 pm, Minneapolis Central Library, Doty Room (2nd floor up the escalator), 300 Nicollet Mall. There will be a presentation at 4:30 pm with information boards, feedback activities and opportunity to ask questions. An online open house will be held Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6 pm via Microsoft Teams. Join link. There will be a presentation followed by…
Find out more »March 2025
Neighborhood safety discussions
Join your Eastside neighbors either virtually or in person at 6:30 pm Monday, March 10, for the monthly Second Precinct Advisory Council (2-PAC) meeting. All are welcome to discuss neighborhood safety issues and solutions. Each month 2-PAC brings together neighbors, businesses and representatives of the Minneapolis Police Department, city attorney’s office and others involved in public safety. Bring your comments and your questions. The Second Precinct encompasses Minneapolis neighborhoods on the east side of the Mississippi River, including Northeast and…
Find out more »Shape the future of Marshall Street
Hennepin County plans to reconstruct Marshall Street (County Road 23) between 3rd and Lowry Avenues in Northeast Minneapolis in 2027. See draft concepts of what Marshall Street could look like, based on last year's community feedback. Monday, March 17, 5-7 pm, Pierre Bottineau Library, 55 Broadway St.NE. You can also offer feedback at beheardhennepin.org/marshall-street-ne-reconstruction.
Find out more »East Bank Neighborhoods quarterly meeting
Learn about Dinkytown safety improvements, mural updates, improved transit services, proposed bike connections, 2025 Earth Day activities, park stewardship opportunities, community garden dates, East Bank Bike Tour and hear from elected officials and community leaders. Free food. Tuesday, March 18, 5:30 pm, University Lutheran Church of Hope, 601 13th Ave. SE.
Find out more »Neighborhood Legislative Town Hall
Join Rep. Jordan and Sen. Clark for a community conversation on Saturday, March 22, 2 pm at Eastside Food Co-op Community Room, 2551 Central Ave NE. The style will be a town hall forum with the ability to ask the representatives questions and hear about this upcoming legislative session.Hosted by the local neighborhood groups of Legislative District 60A.
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