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April 2025
East Bank Earth Day Cleanup
Freshen up the neighborhoods along the East Bank -- Nicollet Island, Father Hennepin Bluffs Park, Chute Square, Marcy Park, Dinkytown, East River Flats, Van Cleve Park, Como neighborhood, Stadium Village. Saturday, April 19.
Find out more »2025 Earth Day 5K Bee Run/Walk/River Cleanup
Saturday, April 19, 9 am-12 pm, Boom Island Park, 724 Sibley St. NE. The 10th annual Earth Day Bee Run 5K run/walk/river cleanup will be held in the only national park offering scenic views of the Mississippi River. Family-friendly, dogs welcome, music & booths. Costumes are welcome. Kids' Run at 8:30 am, Run at 9 am, River Cleanup at 9:30 am. Hosted by Great River Coalition, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, The National Park Service, Mill City Running/St. City Running.…
Find out more »Holland Neighborhood Earth Day Cleanup
Meet Saturday, April 19, 9:30 am-12 pm at Jackson Square Park, 2212 Jackson St. NE, to keep Holland clean and green.
Find out more »Spring cleanup and buy nothing week
Shop the boulevards in Bottineau Neighborhood, April 20-26. Put your items out on the boulevard as early as April 20 to give your neighbors a chance to "shop " your stuff. Have leftovers ready for city pickup by 9 am April 26. Then join neighbors for a cleanup at Gluek Park, 2000 Marshall St. NE, at 8:45 am on April 26 to pick up trash and assist with city trucks. Coffee, pastries, bags, gloves and pick-up sticks will be provided.
Find out more »Earth Day Cleanup on Central Ave.
Join HeightsNEXT for their Annual Earth Day Cleanup event, Saturday, April 26, 9 am, Columbia Heights Public Library, 3939 Central Ave. NE. Safety vests and garbage bags will be handed out and street/park assignments made for all volunteers. (Park assignments are made for families with young children who participate.) Each group goes to their area and safely picks up trash from the sidewalks and vegetation along the sidewalks (or park). Dress for the weather. Wear gloves to pick up trash safely.…
Find out more »May 2025
Pull invasive plants on Nicollet Island
Join Friends of the Mississippi River Sunday, May 18, 9-11 am, as they pull invasive plants such as garlic mustard and dame's rocket from the woodland. As time allows, volunteers may also tend the demonstration planter boxes that provide park users examples of native prairie plantings and give people ideas of what might provide good habitat in their own neighborhoods. All are welcome. No experience is needed, however, registration is required and capacity is limited. All tools, gloves and training…
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