On Memorial Day the Scout troop 153 BSA with Scoutmaster Mark Duncan did a Flag Retirement Ceremony of burning unusable United States flags. They do it at the St. Anthony Veteran’s Memorial on Silver Lake Rd. This year they had over a dozen flags.
The scouts line up with two people holding a flag. They advance and hold open the flag.
The person up front tells everyone to place their hand over their heart, or salute if they are in uniform. Join me now in one final Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Color guard, retire the colors.
Then the Color Guard lays the flag flat and places it into the flame, folding the corners into the flame so that all the flag is consumed by the fire. The members of the Color Guard then step to the sides of the fire, facing the flame, and salute.
Each flag must be consumed separately and completely. Once each flag is consumed the color guard moves behind the fire and stands at attention. The procedure is done for each flag.
After all flags have been burned, the Color Guard and the retirement MC faced the audience and Carol Jensen played Taps.
The unit leader thanks all for coming and asks them to please honor our nation and join in singing “God Bless America”.
Below: Scout troop 153 is shown holding a flag before burning, placing a flag into the fire, and finally the flag burning in the Flag Retirement Ceremony. (Photos by Carol Jensen)