Hip-hop artist Nur-D put his talent to work Thursday, Nov. 14, at Edison High School’s annual Tommies Tonight fundraiser. The event brought in $29,858 from more than 200 donors. The money will be used to fund after-school activities.
Turbo Tim’s Anything Automotive and Castle Building and Remodeling were sponsors.
The Edison Activity Council, which put on the event, aims to “foster a community where all students can participate if they choose.”
Asked what advice he would give kids today, Nur-D replied, “It’s ok to question what adults have told you — they’re just people. You have wisdom, too, and discernment. Learn for yourself, search what makes you happy, find more.”
Donations are still welcome. Venmo @Edison-Treasurer or visit www.EdisonActivityCouncil.com to make a gift.