Every once in a while, the Northeaster’s publication schedule coincides with National Newspaper Week, a celebration of newspapers started in 1940 by the National Association of Newspaper Managers (NANM). This week, October 6-12, is one of those “whiles.”
It’s a week where we get to remind you what newspapers do: We hold government officials to account, turn the spotlight on local businesses and keep you informed about what’s going on in this neck of the woods.
NANM has supplied us with guest editorials, cartoons (see below) and ads to help us celebrate NNW. What strikes us most are the ads, which are based on statistics from a 2023 study for America’s Newspapers, conducted by Coda Ventures. We find them interesting.
• 8 out of 10 Americans read print or digitally accessed newspaper content every month.
• 87% of newspaper readers feel they have a responsibility to help shape the future of their communities.
• 1 out of 2 Americans read or access information from their local weekly newspaper every month.
• 74% of Americans believe it is important to have a local newspaper. Newspapers define the culture of a community.
•Almost 8 out of 10 newspaper readers vote in national or state elections.
That last sentence is telling. People read newspapers to become better informed about local and national issues and candidates. An informed electorate votes.
Throughout the past few issues, we’ve tried to give you a look at candidates for local offices. They’re just a sketch, a brief look at their ideas, their lives, their political ambitions. If you’re interested in a candidate, we encourage you to dig a little deeper. Go to their website, if they have one. Do an online search on them. See what they’ve been up to. Become informed, then make a decision. You have until Tuesday, Nov. 5 to do so.
Get out and vote!