Nuway, which provides addiction and mental health treatment at its 3Rs Counseling Center at 1401 Central Avenue NE, has moved its services to the internet – and clients love it.
As the novel coronavirus began to take a foothold in Minnesota, Nuway Chief Clinical Officer Kenneth Roberts and his staff of program managers and counselors began to look for ways to continue to offer individual and group counseling services without requiring clients to be physically present. “[Clients] were feeling unsafe having to come in on a daily basis,” said Roberts. “We didn’t feel that was very helpful for our staff.”
They decided telehealth was the way to go and, within a week, had transitioned 900-plus outpatient clients to online therapy.
“These are individuals who don’t have much of a support system,” said Roberts. “Ninety-five percent are Medicaid recipients. With Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous closed because of social distancing concerns, we had to make some rapid and dynamic changes.”
Nuway’s IT staff is well versed in HIPAA requirements for client confidentiality and soon decided to use Zoom for Healthcare to deliver counseling and group therapy via laptop or mobile phone. Nuway worked closely with Nuway’s 80 housing partners to make sure clients are able to access and attend the meetings. Counselors still report to their offices at Nuway, where they’re able to shut the door and maintain privacy as well as social distancing. About 15 clinicians work from home; the rest are at the office. Clients can access the meetings wherever they are.
“We had to re-establish all the norms” for the clients, Roberts said. “You still have to be dressed, and you can’t participate while driving.” He said they soon realized they were still in a treatment program and being asked to work on difficult issues.
Nuway staffers were surprised to learn, after two weeks, that treatment compliance had actually increased under the new way of doing things. Typically, clients attend meetings five days a week; 65% usually show up. With the new technology, more than 70% are tuning in. Roberts said the novelty of the new format may account for some of the increase.
Nuway continues to see new clients at its eight locations in the Twin Cities, Duluth and Rochester. As they’re admitted to the program, they’re taught how to access the meetings. “There’s a sense of community when you’re in early recovery,” Roberts said. The orientation helps get them up to speed.
“Addiction is a disease of isolation,” he said. “Clients look forward to their treatment meeting. It gives them a chance to connect with people and gives a purpose for their day.”