Students from the St. Anthony middle and high schools walked out of classes for about an hour on February 11 to protest the killing of Amir Locke by a Minneapolis police officer on February 2. The walkout was organized by the middle school Student Diversity Leadership Group and led by eighth grader Amira Abdirazak.
“Amir Locke was a human Black life who mattered because he just did, and it doesn’t take more than that. What matters is all that he had to offer to himself and all that was taken from him and his family. There is no trust, we are tired, there is devastation and mourning among the Black community,” ninth grader Tryphena Asare said, her voice breaking at times as she addressed the students, many of whom five years ago witnessed the demonstrations and discussions in St. Anthony surrounding the killing of Philando Castile by a St. Anthony police officer.
Below: Eighth grader Amira Abdirazak led St. Anthony middle and high school students down Silver Lake Road from the school to the community center in protest of the killing of Amir Locke. Naomi Teshome, a sophomore, addressed the crowd. The students headed back to the school after 45 minutes of standing in the cold and wind.