Events and services/programs:
Planning an event or offering a service? Need volunteers or program participants?
To let Northeaster Newspaper and readers know about your free or low-cost event or service, or for any other public interest announcement, send an email to covering the basics. Look at the section of the Northeaster labeled “The Northeast Experience” to see the format we follow. Each is a group of sentences that cover these basics: (Please put in sentence form, not bullet points, however)
- Who should care (intended audience)
- Who is offering (name of organization or individual)
- What, when, where, and cost
- How (do people sign up or just show up)
- And contact information for the public. [If there’s a press contact separate from the public contact, indicate that contact info as “for media use only” and do, always, provide a phone number and email unless none is available.]
Please indicate if you have a specific edition/s in which you would like it to appear (a maximum of two editions). If you have a particular category heading that you prefer, please specify, from the categories you see in the paper, such as once to announce early registrations open and once right before an event. We will try to accommodate. Categories may change from time to time.
We try to accommodate as many and as much variety of announcements as possible, though they are not guaranteed to appear. To have the most control over how your message gets out, consult with our advertising department. Commercial interests are directed to the advertising department and the In Business column.
Please note: We receive dozens of communications daily and do not make final decisions on material until we see everything that is available – so we will not be able to tell you if we will use your material. Receipt will be acknowledged when first received at the email; if you don’t receive a note back within a reasonable time, send your item again. Your best chance of having your item printed is to follow our guidelines and deadlines.
The first guideline is it must be not only relevant to our audience but involving local people or places. Make that connection obvious in your submissions.
Event Planning Tip:
When you’re planning an event, you can check for potentially competing events by modifying the date range in the events display. Send us a brief “save the date” as soon as you decide the date of an event. We’ll post online as soon as we can, though it will not appear in the newspaper until much closer to the event. When you know the details, send those along and indicate that we have already received a “save the date” so that we can update that announcement.
Share Your Opinion
If you would like your opinion to appear as a “Letter to the Editor,” send your letter in an email to Please include your name, also we must have a phone number that can be called for verification, and your address or your relationship to the issue, for example, Joe Blow, Northeast resident, or “Jane Doe, executive director of organization.” The phone number and address will not be printed; however, relevant affiliations will be.
We are also interested in ideas that can be developed into in-house or guest editorials.
All submissions are subject to verification, and editing for length, pertinence, and libel. Questions? Call Davis Steen at 612-788-9003.
News Tips and Press Releases
If you see something happening or know someone that you’d like to read about in the Northeaster, or if you’re planning a press event, let us know. Provide as many relevant facts as you can, and as much advance notice as possible. There are no guarantees – we’re “everywhere” but not always!
In general, the Northeaster newspaper tries to keep a good balance of what’s new, with new ways of honoring traditions. We’re proud of having the most robust event announcements section of any paper we know. We favor interesting news within our coverage area that we haven’t covered before, or haven’t covered recently.