Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce Invites you to attend Chamber Public Policy Forum: “Election Results, What It Means for Business.” Elections matter, now that the results are in, two experts will delve into the numbers and share with us what actually happened and the effect on your business and the region. Todd Rapp, President, Himle Rapp and Company, will analyze the vote, and Rich Forschler, Partner, and Faegre Baker Daniels, will then forecast how the 2017 Legislature’s actions will impact the business community. Friday, Dec. 2, 7:30-9 a.m. Meeting will start promptly at 7:45 a.m., free admission, Wells Fargo Center, 3rd floor, 90 South 7th St. Minneapolis. Register at minneapolischamber.chambermaster.com/eventregistration/register/9553 or call 612-370-9100.