This free interactive nondenominational presentation provides practical steps, tips and benefits of a healthy lifestyle through a basic meditation technique that will improve your focus, health, and life style. Stay in your personal belief system and use this meditation technique immediately regardless of your age, background or culture. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 6:15-7:45 pm, St. Anthony Library, 2941 Pentagon Dr. Presented by Arlene Samsel, educator, musician and spiritual program coordinator. Info: Arlene Samsel, 651-636-4935,
Talk on Peace Meditation
Free presentation on “Stress Busters: Through Peace Meditation,” by Arlene Samsel. Monday, Nov. 19, 6:15-7:45 pm, St. Anthony Library, 2941 Pentagon Dr. This interactive presentation provides practical steps, tips and benefits of a healthy, stress-free lifestyle through a basic peaceful meditation technique that will improve your focus, health, and lifestyle. Stay in your personal belief system and use this meditation technique daily. You can use this meditation immediately regardless of your age, background or culture. Plenty of parking space in the shopping area.
Talk on Science of Peace Meditation
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 6:15-7:45 pm. St. Anthony Library, 2941 Pentagon Dr. Longing for inner and outer peace? This free interactive presentation covers how inner and outer peace can be achieved step by step. By following this science of connecting with our inner spiritual powers, we can achieve peace. Why is it that we spend so much time dealing with improving our physical and mental powers while mostly ignoring our spiritual powers? Is there something better? We’ll discuss this. This basic meditative technique can be used immediately by everyone regardless of culture, belief system, background or age. Presented by Arlene Samsel: educator, musician and spiritual program coordinator. Info:, 651-636-4935.
Engaging with Climate Change
Meditation is Empowerment talk
Free talk, “Meditation is Empowerment,” by Arlene Samsel at the St. Anthony Library, 2941 Pentagon Dr., Tuesday, June 5, 6:30-8 pm. Do you realize the powers you have within to deal with the ups and downs of life? These powers improve one’s health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This free interactive presentation provides practical steps, tips and benefits of a basic, simple, nondenominational meditation you can use immediately, daily and powerfully. Learn this science of meditation for a more peaceful and empowered life. Info:, 651-636-4935.