Nimbus announces the first show at their new northeast home, an adaptation of the epic poem “The Kalevala.” Every culture has its tales of gods and demons, warriors and villains, odysseys of creation and epics explaining everything from lightning to the change of the seasons. This October, nimbus turns its eye to Finnish folklore and mythology, where the frost sings songs and the rain writes poems; where stories are born in the bellies of giants and men and gods walk side by side. “The Kalevala” brings us to the fierce lands of the north to deliver a harrowing magical quest, an epic tale with a biker gang mentality. Nimbus has returned from walkabout after their residency on Central Avenue with a new song of creation to inaugurate their new performance space at The Crane Theater, located at 2303 Kennedy St. NE. Their new venue ushers in a new phase for the company as they expand their home for Twin Cities Independent theater. “The Kalevala” opens Saturday, Oct. 8 and runs through Sunday, Oct. 30. For Tickets or more information about the show visit, or call 612-548-1380.